Wellness Your Way
Create a wellness plan as unique as you.
Your Personal Wellness Plan
Wellness is a dynamic and ongoing process of attending to your health in a holistic way. It encompasses the complete picture of you – health, happiness, home, environment, job, purpose, and more. Use this Personal Wellness Plan activity to reflect on your wellness, identify areas you’d like to devote time and attention to, and set actionable goals.
Your Pathways to Wellness

Academic Wellness
School satisfaction, time management, and progress toward graduation.

Environmental Wellness
Safety, comfort, and connection with your physical surroundings.

Financial Wellness
Responsible financial practices, financial security, and having a healthy relationship with money.

Interpersonal Wellness
Daily social interactions, relationship quality, and finding harmony between solitary and social time.

Occupational Wellness
Feeling accomplished and valued at work, job performance, and professional development.

Physical Wellness
Physical activity, nutrition, routine medical care, and your sense of vitality.

Spiritual Wellness
Feeling connected to something larger than yourself, values, meaning, ethics, or faith.

Stage of Life Wellness
Life skills and experience, problem-solving and decision-making, and self-awareness.