Supporting Mental Health as a Campus Community

Call & Consult
When you're in doubt about how to handle a student concern, call us at (520) 621-3334. A CAPS professional will return your call and problem-solve with you about situations. If someone you know is in an immediate suicidal crisis or emergency, call 911. View more crisis support resources.

Bring Care to Your Community
Create a community of care and connect students with supportive resources through guest speakers, mental health breaks, and highlighting resources in your class lectures, meetings, and syllabus.
Ready to get started? We've got you covered.

Notice. Care. Help. for Faculty & Staff
Concrete strategies for applying Notice. Care. Help. at an individual and community and level.

Notice. Care. Help. for Graduate Students
An interactive training on using Notice. Care. Help. in your personal and professional life.

Mental Health First Aid Training
Identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.

QPR Suicide Prevention Training
Learn to recognize suicide warning signs, talk with someone you're concerned about, and connect others with helpful resources.

Information and resources to help you support student mental health.
Request a Presentation
We strive to educate the UA community to foster a supportive environment for student learning, living, and growing.
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office team members are well-versed in student behavior, educational outcomes, and University resources.
Life & Work Connections
Life & Work Connections provides mental health services for UA faculty or staff members.
We Want to Hear From You
Please take a moment to complete our Together We Care survey and share your insights with us.