How to Start Off-Campus Mental Health Services

person talking on a phone

What to Say When Contacting Off-Campus Mental Health Providers

When contacting a mental health provider to set up services, there are a few pieces of information to give and get. 

Give the following information: 

  • name
  • phone number
  • email
  • insurance
  • how you'd like to meet (in person or remotely)
  • what kind of services or help you're looking for

Get the following information: 

  • are they accepting new clients
  • first available appointment time
  • is a 15-minute consultation available

Sample script for contacting off-campus providers:

Hello! My name is ... and I'm a student at the U of A. I am seeking ongoing therapy after receiving short-term therapy at U of A Counseling and Psych Services. I have ... insurance and would prefer to have sessions (in person/via telehealth). I am hoping to get support with.... Please let me know if you are accepting new clients and what your availability is for first appointments. I would also be interested in a 15-minute consultation if possible. My email is ... and my phone number is .... Thank you!