Craft & Chat Drop-In Group

CAPS offers student groups and workshops on a variety of topics and concerns. The right fit between a student and their group is key to a meaningful experience. Learn more about this group or speak with a counselor to find the right group or workshop for you.

Take a Break and De-Stress

Markers, pencils, and other crafty supplies are all available for you to de-stress and make something just for fun. No artistic experience is needed - this is just for you. As a bonus, you can chat with others about whatever's going on while you doodle, paint, or do whatever you enjoy. 

In this group, you will:

  • Connect with others in a low-stakes environment.
  • Have fun.
  • Explore your creative side.

Group Details 

  • Event information: Wednesdays, 2-4pm, Health Promotion Hideaway (Bear Down Building, room 130)
  • How to join: no enrollment required. Just drop in.