University of Arizona Crisis Network

aerial view of the University of Arizona campus

A Community-Driven, Coordinated Response to Mental Health Crisis

The University of Arizona Crisis Network is a coordinated effort between campus and community partners to holistically support the mental health of the entire campus community. Through collaboration, the network provides crisis support services, mobile crisis interventions, and mental health training, ensuring comprehensive care for all members of the University of Arizona community.

On This Page

Caring for the Campus Community Together

A mentally healthy campus is a thriving campus. The University Crisis Network embraces this by taking a community-focused approach to mental health. Through collaboration and trainings that encourage people to speak up, share resources, and support one another, the network helps build stronger connections and changes how we view mental health. Together, we all play a part in recognizing and addressing mental health needs, lowering the risk of crises, and making sure everyone gets the support they need.

Campus Crisis Support & Services

CAPS Crisis Support for Students

Students can access crisis support services by calling CAPS 24/7 or dropping in CAPS Main or CAPS North during business hours.

University of Arizona Crisis Mobile Team (UACMT)

Clinically appropriate, coordinated mental health crisis assessment and intervention for all members of the University of Arizona campus community.

Crisis Network Partners

Dean of Students Office (DOS)

Assistance with academic integrity, code of conduct, and student wellbeing and safety concerns. 

University of Arizona Police Department (UAPD)

Support campus safety through partnerships, community engagement, and inclusive justice.

Threat Assessment & Management Team (TAMT)

Reviews reports about concerning behavior and provides guidance to campus community members on how to manage the situation with the goal of preventing violence.

Office of Public Safety

Proactive strategies and education to facilitate safe and healthy learning, research, and work on our campus.

Housing & Residential Life

The Housing & Residential Life Student Assistance Team helps students manage crises, life traumas, and other barriers that may impede their success at the UA. 

University of Arizona Emergency Medical Services (UAEMS)

A 24/7/365 emergency response agency that is entirely managed, staffed, and supported by University of Arizona students. 

Outreach & Education for the Campus Community

two women sitting on a couch talking

Consultation for Student Supporters

When you're in doubt about how to handle a student concern, call us at (520) 621-3334. If someone you know is in an immediate suicidal crisis or emergency, call 911. View more crisis support resources.

group of students sitting at a desk with one giving a teacher a high five

Free Trainings for Faculty & Staff

Learn essential skills for recognizing the signs that someone's struggling, talking with someone you're concerned about, and supporting student mental health.

group of students and a professor standing in front of a blackboard and smiling

Notice. Care. Help.

Notice. Care. Help. is our motto, and it's how Wildcats look out for each other. Learn more about Notice. Care. Help. for faculty, staff, and students.

two pairs of hands holding each other

Suicide Prevention

Tangible steps that anyone can take, whether you’re a beginner or an expert.